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Asher [Japhet Asher ,filmaker] hopes that "LTV" [Liquid Television] too, will function as a deceptively high leverage point in our increasingly chaotic culture. "Let's hope it catches on and spreads like a virus. If there's any hope for interaction, people are going to have to open up their minds to new approaches to stories and be prepared to interact with them." Meltdown television is a disintegration of TV as a parental or dictatorial force as it worked from the fifties to the eighties, "This is television anarchy. Definitely, that's what we want."
p.152 Media Virus - Douglas Rushfoff
Douglas Rushkoff's Homepage

Sooner or later, nuclear physics and the psychology of the unconscious will draw closer together as both of them, independently of one another and from opposite directions, push forward into transcendental territory...
Carl Jung - Aion

  • Prof. Ben Britton's Virtual Reality Project - Lascaux - now showing until June at the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati - I urge you to see this if you're in the area
  • List of Things to do When You're Bored Things you can do with absolutely nothing
  • Bandwidth Conservation Society
  • Adbusters' Culture Jammer's Headquarters Pop Goes Your Culture
  • A Visit to Yesterdayland - discontinued Disneyland attractions
  • 12 Monkeys
  • Joe Bob Briggs Drive-In America Movie Review
  • Sin City - Penn & Teller's site
  • Microsoft Conspiracy Redmond Rose and Microsoft
  • Shillum The Shillum document exposes the world condition.
  • Bosnian Virtual Fieldtrip
  • Carl Gustav Jung
  • Suck
  • What if Nietzsche worked at a convenience store?
  • The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S Project!!
  • Kurt Cobain Investigation - Tom Grant's Investigation
  • Exploring Architecture and Private Lives Via the WWW - a good walkthrough
  • JFK decassified documents
  • Wearable Wireless Webcam - a live headcam
  • National Coalition for the Homeless
  • Who's Got The Body? - censorship

    Online Magazines

  • Internet Underground
  • HotWired - check out Net Surf and Net Soup
  • bOING bOING - the online magazine

    There is a Hindu myth which states that this is the last great age, the Kali Yuga or age of the great black Mother Goddess Kali. In this age, according to the myth, all the colected wisdom and teachings of the past ages will be made available to all people, but most of them will not be interested in any of it.
    p.xvii Global Ritualism - Denny Sargent

    And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places and there shall be famines and troubles; these are the beginnings of sorrows.
    -Matthew 24:6-8

    Other Topics

  • Conspiracy
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  • UFOs
  • Masons and Magick
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